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Wat (wie) is PAINLESSLY - definitie

  • Portrait of [[René Descartes]] by [[Jan Baptist Weenix]], 1647–1649
  • A patient and doctor discuss congenital insensitivity to pain.
  • Mechanism of nociceptive pain
  • Regions of the cerebral cortex associated with pain
Acute pain; Physiological pain; Physical pain; Chronic benign pain; Types of pain; Body-self neuro-matrix; Non-organic pain; Breakthrough pain; Painful; Ache (sensation); Physiology of pain; Pain physiology; Painless; Gate control hypothesis; Gate control; Pain (biological); Pain (biology); Pain and nociception; Pain (physical); Soreness; Excruciation; Pain sensation; Algesis; Pain sense; Multidimensional Pain Inventory; Multidimensional pain inventory; Nociceptive pain; Rhizopathy; Rhitzopathy; Gate theory of pain; Dimensions of pain; Incident pain; Pain theory; Postoperative pain; Painfulness; Pain signals; Pain signal; Persistent postoperative pain; Chornic postoperative pain
¦ adjective
1. not causing physical pain.
2. involving little effort or stress.
painlessly adverb
painlessness noun
  • Portrait of [[René Descartes]] by [[Jan Baptist Weenix]], 1647–1649
  • A patient and doctor discuss congenital insensitivity to pain.
  • Mechanism of nociceptive pain
  • Regions of the cerebral cortex associated with pain
Acute pain; Physiological pain; Physical pain; Chronic benign pain; Types of pain; Body-self neuro-matrix; Non-organic pain; Breakthrough pain; Painful; Ache (sensation); Physiology of pain; Pain physiology; Painless; Gate control hypothesis; Gate control; Pain (biological); Pain (biology); Pain and nociception; Pain (physical); Soreness; Excruciation; Pain sensation; Algesis; Pain sense; Multidimensional Pain Inventory; Multidimensional pain inventory; Nociceptive pain; Rhizopathy; Rhitzopathy; Gate theory of pain; Dimensions of pain; Incident pain; Pain theory; Postoperative pain; Painfulness; Pain signals; Pain signal; Persistent postoperative pain; Chornic postoperative pain
Something such as a treatment that is painless causes no physical pain.
Acupuncture treatment is gentle, painless, and, invariably, most relaxing...
...a quick and painless death.
? painful
...a technique to eliminate unwanted facial hair quickly and painlessly.
? painfully
ADV: ADV with v
If a process or activity is painless, there are no difficulties involved, and you do not have to make a great effort or suffer in any way.
House-hunting is in fact relatively painless in this region...
...a game for children which painlessly teaches essential pre-reading skills.
ADV: ADV with v
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor PAINLESSLY
1. so you can do it painlessly.
Rigby + More _ Talks at Google
2. and painlessly, and there should be a separate window.
Financial Inclusion For the Next Billion Users _ Nadeem Hussain _ Talks at Google
3. The only trouble is, is Google is a way to get outside your comfort zone painlessly in
The Influencing Machine - Brooke Gladstone on the Media _ Brooke Gladstone _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor PAINLESSLY
1. "So you kill them quickly and painlessly first, to guarantee that they won‘t suffer without you.
2. For the rest, it means a chance to look attractive, painlessly.
3. He fancies himself an alchemist who can heal the economy painlessly and without consequence.
4. If they let their currencies rise, it is argued, America‘s external deficit would shrink painlessly.
5. Yet in recent years, both nations appeared to have developed painlessly into Western–oriented stable democracies.